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A member registered Nov 16, 2022

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You need to give him lust incense, first give the incense holder (don't remember if it's the correct name), then give him the incense

Oh, I see... thanks. I will keep going then

Can someone help me? I was in Ste's house and had a dream of an earthquake(?) and a rabbit, what was that? And what to do now?

When you're in your house, choose check outside, there will be an option "chop wood"

I don't know, if it is, it explains a lot. 

shit! But thanks, I appreciate the help.

No, I missspoken. I can't trigger the election event. How I do that? I already have talked about the missing horse, and even after 3 days nothing happens 

How to help Einar? For me there no option, I just don't know what to do

When you meet the slime there is an option to feed, but you need to be with at least 40 lust.